Iranian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology- Instruction for Authors

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Guideline for authors
Objectives and perspective: Iranian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology is the official publication of the Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology, and publishes the outcome of researchers in basic, developmental and practical areas in physiology and pharmacology and related fields. The journal publishes research papers, review articles, technical reports and short reports. Manuscripts with 2 corresponding authors are also accepted. Manuscripts are published in Persian, with an English abstract. The editorial board reserves the right to accept, edit (with prior permission from authors), or reject the manuscripts.

Manuscript submission: The authors should upload their manuscript electronically in the journal website ( A cover letter, together with a signed Declaration form (available in the journal website) should be prepared and accompany each submitted manuscript. The official language of the journal is Persian, and the manuscripts should be composed in fluent, flawless, proof-read language, with no grammatical and spelling mistakes. The use of foreign language expressions with common clear Persian equivalents should be avoided. In cases where the abstract of the research is previously published in the booklet of a seminar or a conference, it can be submitted to this journal.
  • The manuscript should be written with MS Word (.doc format) single space with fixed margin in Mitra 13 Pt. for Persian and Times New Roman 12 Pt. for English. The images/diagrams should be saved in separate MS Word file or as JPEG or GIF files with good resolution.
  • The manuscript must not be previously published in full or in part in any other journal, or submitted simultaneously to other journals. This point should be highlighted in the cover letter. The completed Declaration form should be submitted to the journal along with the cover letter.
  • The review articles can also be submitted to the journal. The review articles are accepted by the authors who have had at least 2 original papers in reputable journals.
  • The manuscript should include the following sections: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, Financial support, Conflict of interest, Authorship, References, and Title and Abstract (in English). The research manuscript should not comprise of more than 3500 words (including Text, References, Figures and Tables). The short report should preferably not more than 2500 words. The review articles should not be more than 4000 words.
  • The first page: Title page should include the title of the article (max 100 letters), name and surname, authors' academic affiliation together with full postal address, e-mail address, Telephone and fax number of the corresponding author. A running title (max 40 letters) as header of all pages should be provided.
  • Second page: Persian abstract should be organized in max 300 words including Background and aim, Methods, Findings, Conclusion, and Keywords (max 3-5 words). The abstract should properly reflect the main subject of the manuscript. The keywords should be arranged in alphabetical order.
  • Third page: Abstract in English including Title, Name and Surname of the authors, academic affiliation, the abstract text max 300 words including Background and aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion, postal address, E-mail address, telephone and fax number of the corresponding author. Keywords (max 5 words) should be alphabetically ordered and start with capital letter. The information in the English abstract should fully correspond to the Persian abstract.
Point: Abstract of the review articles and short reports can be non-structured and max in 300 words.
  • Introduction should comprise of the importance of the topic and objectives. There is no need to elaborate on the subject in details or include the results and conclusion.
  • Methods should include the detailed research method, observations or experiments. In cases where a device or instrument is utilized the name and the address of the manufacturer should be mentioned in parenthesis. If a specific method is used the reference should be mentioned, otherwise the method should be explained in detail to enable other researchers to repeat it. If a drug is used, the generic name, dosage and route of administration should be mentioned. The statistical methods and the software used to analyze data should be mentioned.
  • Ethical considerations should be included in the methods section. 1) Please state that the participants have given informed consent to partake in the trial. If the participants are children their parents or legal caretakers should give such consent. The name of the organization who has approved the ethics of the study should be mentioned; 2) Please indicate in the text that the guidelines of your national health organization or your institute are followed in care and handling of laboratory animals. Presenting ethics committee approval letter is essential in case of clinical trials or similar studies.
  • Results should be clearly explained in text, Tables, pictures and Figures. There is no need to include all results in the text; the Tables and Figures can be referred to instead. In order to further clarify the topics in long manuscripts, they can be divided into subsections, particularly in Results and Discussion sections. Avoid sending 3D figures and pictures.
  • Discussion should highlight novel and important results of the study and their comparison with other studies elaborating on the reasons of similarity or difference. Avoid repeating the results in this section. The limitations of the study and the extension should be mentioned.
  • Conclusion should briefly touch on outstanding results of the study and the conclusion from them. Suggestions for further studies can be mentioned in this section.
  • Acknowledgements List here those individuals (or organizations) that provided help during the study but do not qualify as authors.
  • Financial support List funding sources with the supporting institutes/organizations' name and project number.
  • Declaration of interest All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationship with organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work such as employment, consultancies, stock, ownership, honoraria, and grants. If there are no conflicts of interests, please state "There are no conflicts of interest".
  • Authorship: The role and extent of contribution of authors in the manuscript should be mentioned here.
  • Tables, Figures, and pictures should not be more than 6 in total. Do not submit tables and figures in picture format. Tables and Figures should have high resolution. The Table title should be placed above Tables and description below that table. The data should not be duplicated in the text and in the Tables and Figures. All numbers and text in Figures and Tables should be in Persian. Figures should be presented in patterned style for the groups to be distinguishable in black and white print.
  • References should be valid and updated. The authors are responsible for the correctness of the references. In order to avoid confusion, the reference pertaining to the original work should be mentioned. The references in the text are numbered in order of appearance. They should be numbered in Persian in brackets, separated by a comma in order of appearance. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list and vice versa. If multiple reference are mentioned in the text in order, the first and the last can be mentioned separated by a dash. The maximum number of references is 30 for review articles, 20 for research articles, 15 for technical reports, and 10 for short reports. All references in English and Persian should be written in English. Include full name of all authors and do not use "et al". The references should be written according to the following style:
Surname, and initials of name of all authors, title of the article, abbreviated name of the journal (based on PubMed format) in italic and bold, vol., year of publication, the first and last page numbers of the article.
Example of a paper
Imanshahidi M, Hosseinzadeh H, The pharmacological effects of Salvia species on the central nervous system. Phytother Res 20 (2006) 427-437.
Example of an un-published paper
Perry NS, Bollen C, Perry EK, Ballard C, Salvia for dementia therapy: review of pharmacological activity and pilot tolerability clinical trial. Pharmacol Biochem Behav  (2003) in press.
Surname and initials of the author(s), Title of the book. Edition no. City of publication: Publisher; Year: Pages.
Example of a book
Kates M, Techniques of lipidology. 2nd ed. New York: Elsevier, 1992: 172-175.

A book chapter
Surname and initials of the author(s) of the chapter, Title of the chapter. In: surname and initials of the author(s) of the book, Title of the book. Edition no. City of publication: Publisher, Year: Pages.
Example of a book chapter
Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP, Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, eds, Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press, 1995: 465-478.

Conference abstract
Surname and initials of the author(s), Title of the abstract. Title of the Symposium or Congress, date (Year), Venue (City and country).
Example of a conference abstract
Assaran M, Danaie M, Sheibani V, Rayegan P, Nematollahi-Mahani N, The effect of morphine consumption by mother on brain development of rat offspring during lactation period. The 2nd FAONS Symposium and 3rd Iranian Neuroscience Congress, 2004 May 16-19, Tehran, Iran.

References from Web
Author(s), Title. [cited 2001 Mar 8]. Available from: http://....
Example of a reference from Web
Morse SS, Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases [cited 1996 June 5]. Available from:
Surname and initials of the author(s) of the thesis. Title of the Thesis [dissertation]. Name of faculty or Institute, University, Year of publication.
Example of a dissertation
Mohammadi BA. Influence of oxidative stress on aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling [dissertation]. Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Univ., 2013.
Note: If the language of an article is not in English, the original language of the paper should be mentioned in brackets at the end of the reference.
Example of a Persian paper
Nedjat S, Majdzadeh R, Rashidian A, Admission of medical students from bachelor’s degree: why? Hakim Res J 10 (2007) 1-7 [in Persian].
Example of a book translated to Persian
Bagherloo S, End of Traditional Marketing Area [Translation]. Zimen S, ed. 2nd ed. Tehran: Mobaleghan Publication, 2004: 49-50 [in Persian].
  • In other cases, the references should be written in Vancouver style.
  • Proof Reading An electronic file of the manuscript is sent to the corresponding author for proof reading before publication. Corrections should be marked clearly and sent immediately to the Journal office.
  • Abbreviations and symbols Use only standard abbreviations. Avoid using abbreviations in the title and abstract. The full term of the abbreviation should be mentioned in the first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.
  • Conflicts of interest Authors must acknowledge and declare any source of funding and potential conflicting interest. Declaring a competing interest will not lead to rejection of the paper but should be announced.
  • Page charges There is no charge for publication in this Journal.
  • Copyright The entire contents of the Iranian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology are protected under international copyrights. This Journal is for your personal noncommercial use. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, or publish any materials contained on the Journal without the prior written permission or the appropriate copyright owner.
  • Peer review process All manuscripts are peer reviewed by at least 2 anonymous reviewers selected by the Editorial Board of the journal. The corresponding author is notified of the editor decision on acceptance, rejection, or revision of the manuscript immediately after reception of reviewers’ comments.
  • Fast review: A fast review process is considered in IranJPP for the authors who are willing to accelerate the review process. The review fee is 3,000,000 Iranian Rials and should be paid before submission of the manuscript. In this case, manuscript will be reviewed within a maximum of one month. However, there is no guarantee that the article will be accepted.
    Disposal of material Once published, all copies of the manuscript, correspondence and artwork will be held for 6 months before disposal.
Sample copy

The Final Checklist
The authors must ensure providing the following items before submitting the manuscript to the journal:
  1. A cover letter indicating the importance of the study and request for consideration of the work for publication in IranJPP.
  2. Declaration Letter signed by all authors of the manuscript.
  3. Title page enclosing full title, running title, name of the author(s) and their affiliation, along with mailing address, E-mail address, Phone and Fax of the corresponding author.
  4. The abstract in structured format up to 300 words (except than review articles and short reports which might have unstructured abstracts).
  5. An English abstract in structured format up to 300 words that is well matched to the content of Persian abstract.
  6. References are written according to IranJPP format.
  7. Tables, figures and pictures have number, title and legend and are prepared in separate files.
Declaration form
Article Submission steps:
::  Registration as a user in website
::  Receiving the article special code
::  Filling the article form with required data
::  Checking the article and submitting related files and comments in the private page
::  Approving the article
Topic URL in Iranian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology website:
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